The Porcupine

April 11th, 2012

My grandfather Al, was a salesman in Texas for the American Seating Company some seventy years ago. Al was a wise and gentle soul, qualities I'm sure he also had when he was a younger man. (I remember him quietly telling my uncle that putting 7-Up in scotch was a good way to ruin it.) He once told me about the air conditioning system in his company car Read More...

Downplaying the Competition

July 26th, 2010

Question number five in our 'would you or would you not' quiz is Find out which competitors they are talking to, and communicate a concern that people have with that company. Would you do this in a meeting with a prospective client? It's helpful to know who your competition is, and what they are good at, and not good at Read More...


June 30th, 2010

Here is question number four (and my response) to the salesperson’s ‘would you or would you not’ quiz.   Is this something you would do at a first sit-down meeting with a prospective client? 4)  Summarize a transaction you are currently working on with a well known client. The benefit of doing this is that your prospect knows you are working with a well known entity Read More...